Mass intentions


« The celebration and worship of the Eucharist enable us to draw near to God's love and to persevere in that love until we are united with the Lord whom we love”

Benedict XVI “Sacramentum Caritatis” no. 94



The Mass is an act of faith. At our shrine, we celebrate the Eucharist every day, praying for the intentions confided to us. Mass can be said for various intentions: in thanksgiving, for the sick, for the deceased, etc.







> For one Mass, the offering is 18€ (if the donor proposes a date, this will be respected on condition that the day requested is not already reserved, otherwise the day will be indicated by the priest)

> For a Novena of Masses, the offering is 180€ (see with the priest regarding his availability)

> For a Month of Masses (for the deceased only), the offering is 595€ (see with the priest regarding his availability)

> For a Mass for a multiple intention, the offering is left to the discretion of the donor (possible every Wednesday with no limit)


Mass is celebrated free of charge. It is Christ himself who offers himself on the altar to save us. The offering given for a Mass provides partly for the maintenance of the shrine and partly for the needs of the Community. The amount stated is a suggestion; we are always open to discussion and can adapt according to the circumstances.

    To offer a Mass intention:

    Complete the form and then proceed to the on-line payment service by credit card:

    Collecte des données

    Nous recueillons vos données afin de traiter votre de demande. Les données requises sont nécessaires pour le suivi de votre demande. Conformément à la loi Informatique et libertés, vous bénéficiez d’un droit d’accès, de rectification et de suppression de vos données. Vous pouvez également vous opposer, pour un motif légitime, à l’utilisation de vos données. Vous seul pouvez exercer ces droits sur vos propres données. Pour en savoir plus, merci de consultez la rubrique Protection des biens et des personnes – gestion des données personnelles de nos mentions légales.