“It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you.” (Jn 15:16)
As Jesus tells us in his Gospel, the first step belongs to Him. It is He who calls us. But the second step is up to us; we have to respond to his invitation.
There is no such thing as an ideal definition of a vocation. It is always a gift and a mystery! However, there is a primary sign: FRIENDSHIP WITH CHRIST because it is only through talking with Him that we can hear his voice.
Our religious family lives according to the Rule of Saint Augustine, by observing three vows: obedience, chastity and common life without ownership. At the heart of our pastoral activity is the Liturgy of the Hours celebrated in community.
Our formation begins with the postulancy. This is a period when the candidate discerns his vocation. There then follows one year of novitiate: an intense period dedicated to prayer, study and work which particularly help the candidate to get to know God, himself and the Order. The novice ends this period of religious life by taking temporary vows for 3 years.
After profession, there is a period of philosophical and theological formation, in one of our homes organised for this purpose, in preparation for ordination to the diaconate, then to the priesthood, which lasts 6 years. Before being ordained a deacon, the professed joins the Congregation for life by pronouncing solemn vows.
If you wish to learn more about our Congregation, we invite you to get in touch with us and to come and join us for a few days. We cannot guarantee you an ideal life, but certainly a wonderful adventure which, by journeying together, will strengthen your FRIENDSHIP WITH CHRIST.

Perhaps your place is with us…