The Confederation of the Canons Regular of Saint Augustine was created in 1959, on the 900th anniversary of the Lateran Synod (1059), and approved by an Apostolic Brief from Pope John XXIII, “Caritatis unitas”, on 4th May 1959.
Each Congregation retains its autonomy, but we are united by the Rule of Saint Augustine and the same charism, lived out in different countries throughout the whole world. The aim of the Confederation is to strengthen bonds between Congregations, to share experiences and to increase fraternal charity among confreres.
The Confederation is governed by the Abbot Primate who is chosen for a single mandate of six years. The Abbot Primate has no jurisdiction over the different Congregations; it is an honorary title given to a Canon as a visible sign of our unity.
Nine Congregations
The Confederation of the Canons Regular of Saint Augustine is currently composed of nine Congregations :
- Chanoines Réguliers du Très Saint-Sauveur du Latran > lateranensi.org
- Chanoines Réguliers de la Congrégation Autrichienne du Latran > stift-klosterneuburg.at
- Chanoines Réguliers de Saint-Maurice d’Agaune > abbaye-stmaurice.ch
- Chanoines Réguliers du Grand-Saint-Bernard > gsbernard.ch
- Chanoines Réguliers de Windesheim > propstei-paring.de
- Chanoines Réguliers de l’Immaculée Conception > cricitalia.com
- Chanoines Réguliers de Marie Mère du Rédempteur > la-cotellerie.com
- Chanoines Réguliers de la Vie Commune > mariabronnen.de
- Chanoines Réguliers de Saint-Victor > chanoines-saint-victor.fr
Other Congregations
Other Congregations of Canons Regular who do not belong to the Confederation :
- Chanoines Réguliers des Prémontrés > premontre.org
- Chanoines Réguliers d’Ordre Teutonique > deutscher-orden.at
- Chanoines Réguliers de la Sainte-Croix > crosier.it
- Chanoines Réguliers de la Très Sainte-Croix et de l’Etoile Rouge > krizovnici.eu
- Chanoines Réguliers de la Sainte-Croix de Coimbra > cruzios.org
- Chanoines Réguliers de la Mère de Dieu > lagrasse.org
- Chanoines Réguliers de Saint Jan Kanty de Chicago > canons-regular.org
- Chanoines Réguliers de la Nouvelle Jérusalem > canonsregular.com
- Chanoines Régulier du Seigneur Jésus (Russie – Vladivostok) >vladmission.org