Prayer to Our Lady of Beauchène
Hail Our Lady of Beauchène, Help of Christians!
After the generations of Pilgrims who have come here for centuries, I also come to offer my prayers before your throne.
I ask for the Church, the grace of numerous vocations to the priesthood and religions life.
Grant us faith to enlighten our hope and bring us joy and fervent love.
Implore to God for us peace justice and love of which humanity is so much in need.
Teach the little ones to let their hearts learn to love God and neighbor.
Help young people discern their future.
Help your family grow in unity, harmony and fidelity.
Help those who have suffered from difficult life situations who have experienced misery, mourning, and material and moral misery.
Teach all your children to grow in fraternity and openness to others.
Be with us at the hour of our death, so that we may glorify God with you forever and ever.